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drink this - Soup! I was never a big fan of soup until recently. I’m not sure what happened but not I really enjoy making it, and eating eat. I like Half Baked Harvest’s soup recipes because most of them are really hearty and feel like a full meal. Here is a great one from last March for Persian lamb and chickpea stew with rice. Also this 30-minute miso ramen looks delicious!
wear - I can’t remember if I mentioned these leggings already so at the risk of sounding redundant, here they are. INCREDIBLE. Full disclosure: I almost never wore leggings before I recently received these. I blame the eight years I spent in Catholic school when I was a teenager. After wearing them every.single.day. I basically wanted to burn every pair come graduation day. Now, 15 years later I’m ready to introduce them into my wardrobe again. But only THIS pair:)
beauty - Town & Country just announced their 2020 luxury beauty awards which includes over 30 beauty products from serums to hair dryers. Are any of your products on this list? I was surprised to not see more natural and organic companies featured. Maybe they should do a separate round-up for those? One product I’ve been wanting to try is this concentrated brightening essence. I love Tata Harper and when I’ve always found her line to be effective (and it smells amazing!).
mascara - I’ve tried four natural mascara’s in the last two months and kept striking out. Some were drying, some were clumpy, and most of them just didn’t look good. Last weekend I was meeting my best friend in NYC and realized I had forgotten to put on mascara. I called her and asked her if she could pick some up for me while I drove in. When I arrived at lunch she surprised me with this one. She told me it was the best one she’s ever used, and she was right. It’s a far cry from CVS for $15.99 but using a natural one is important to me and it works, well. Clean, non-toxic, hydrating, and dark sexy lashes, you’re welcome!
watch - Very Ralph. I finally watched the HBO documentary made about Ralph Lauren. Everyone kept telling me to watch it but I kept putting it off. There is a little part of me that will always be sad that my time there is over. I loved working for Ralph Lauren so much. I guess you can say I really drank the kool aid and watching it brought back so many memories. Ralph’s story was such an inspiration to me. It all started with a tie, but even before that it started with a boy and his dreams. For Ralph Lauren, fashion wasn’t just about designing a collection, it was about telling a story, and he wanted to help people live their best lives through his clothing.